High Andes Republic | |
Territories of The Republic
Flag The Fire of The Republic | |
General | |
Name | High Andes Republic |
Capital City | Ciudad de Gracias |
Largest City | Ciudad de Gracias |
National Anthem | Gloria Andino |
National Abstract | Version 2.6.5 |
Government | |
Government Type | Protectoral Republic |
Head of State | The Protector (The Daughter of the Revolution) |
Demographics | |
Demonym | Andean |
Population | 5 Million |
Spoken Language(s) | High Andean (Spanish Dialect): Official Language
Spanish (Other Dialects): Tolerated English (all variants): Banned due to its association with the Cult of Rust |
Ethnic Groups | High Andean, Patagonian, Bolivian, Western Amazonian |
Major Religions | Protectoralism (sometimes call Republicanism): Official Religion of the State
Christian (All Sects): Tolerated Cult of Rust: Banned with practice punishable by death. |
Motto | Ex Populus Gloria. |
Created by The Father (of the Revolution) after the failure of the Chilean Emergency Government to care for the needs of the people The High Andes Republic is the model nation. The High Andes Republic aims to simultaneously care for those under its guardianship and assist those around the world whose governments abuse or neglect them.
History[edit | edit source]
The Flood was upon them, as it was upon the rest of the world.
The remnants of the Chilean government, after losing most of the coastal and southern regions of the country, had fled north with the body of the population to the Atacama plateau to await the next Spring. Though the nation of Chile had suffered no direct attacks, though the super-diseases had had little impact yet, the society was in tatters. As the world's supply chains broke down around them the Chilean government had had no choice but to hang on to what little it had left. In a land they were sure would not flood and where crops once again could grow, they waited. And as people continued to stream into the region the government retreated further into itself. Relying on its military to protect them the government began to make sweeping changes to how the nation was run. The People, left on the outside alone, began to suffer. Lawlessness became the way of the world.
The Foundation of The Republic[edit | edit source]
The people of Chile were dying. A curse had been placed upon The People, a curse called the Chilean Emergency Government. The CEG was slowly starving the people while those in power lived in opulence. That had to change. That needed to change. Of course, the people were starving, and not strong enough to overthrow the regime.
That is where The Father (of the Revolution) came in. The Father was the CEG's chief general, and he felt for the people. He saw that they needed change, and did what was best for the people. Marching the Chilean Army into Calama he ousted the Chilean government from power, sentencing them all to death for crimes against the people. The Father then proclaimed a new republic that would stand the test of time and external influences. A Republic which would ensure that the people were heard, and that their will was done. A republic which would bow to no one for it was to be the mightiest nation on Earth!
The High Andes Republic was born!
The Father then sent the army out to round up those complicit in the CEG's crimes. Those who withheld food from the people, those who beat the people, those who still though the CEG was correct, were never heard from again.
Now there was food for all!
The New Spring[edit | edit source]
And thus, under the guidance of The Father, The High Andes Republic emerged from the darkness of the winter into the light of The New Spring. The fields were once again enough to sustain the peoples of the land, the rivers once again sufficient to water the fields, and the sun once again warm enough to thaw even the most darkened hearts.
The Father promptly ordered the destruction of the old cities, as there was much material there which could aid them in their quest to build a new world. Huge stockpiles of metals, plastic pieces, rubber, stone, wood, and all other things imaginable were created as the old world fell. Out of this destruction came the tools for a new tomorrow: new farming implements, new pipes for water control, new horse shoes, new yokes, new lanterns, new suits of armor, and new weapons.
During this blessed spring The Father brought forth The Daughter, a pure and kind soul whose only devotion was to the people. From day one she attempted to help The Father right the wrongs done to others. It is said that when she heard of the deeds committed by the CEG she cried for days without ceasing, feeling so sorry for those poor souls.
To protect The Daughter, and indeed all the children of the Revolution, in the times yet to come The Father created the Revolutionary Guard, to stand in protection of the mountain passes that surrounded his beloved valley. These behemoths of armored steel and blazing guns would stand as the last line of defense against those who threatened The Republic and its people. To guard the mountains he created the Andes Rangers, whose elite skills in mountain combat were to be unmatched. And to furnish them both with weapons unsurpassed he created the People's Foundry, so that the strength of the Republic stemmed from its most sacred inhabitants.
In payment for his benevolence and grace, in return for giving his life to the service of the people, they rewarded him with the Hall of the Protector. Carved out of the anterior side of the Chilean Coastal Range the hall overlooks the sacred land, bestowing upon The Father the ability to look out and see that his people were indeed well cared for, and loved. Around the palace was constructed the first city of the new era, the Ciudad de Gracias.
The Daughter Ascends[edit | edit source]
Upon The Father's death The Daughter was elected Protector of the Republic in an almost unanimous vote. Just like The Father before her, she pledged herself to a life of service to The People, for they are from whence the power flows. In return she was treated like a god! The People founded the High Andes Church, and its religion of "Protectoralism" so that the love of The Family of the Revolution could be known by all.
The War of Rust[edit | edit source]
Now the protection of the people was not an easy task, especially not with an enemy at the doorstep. The Cult of Rust, a group determined to avoid the destruction of the Old Times, had come to the Andes seeking out what little advanced technology was left in that corner of the world. ALMA, kept running by the sweat and blood of The Daughter, was destroyed. The Center for High Learning was bombed to oblivion. The single still operational computer was annihilated in cold blood. The Daughter could wait no longer, for The People were crying for justice! Thus began the War of Rust.
Thousands were suspected of sabotage, of complicity, and of bombings, and they all answered to the People's Court. They were all executed for their crimes, for The People wished nothing less.
In response to the killing of their members the Cult of Rust organized mass demonstrations against The Daughter. The People would not stand for it! The Republican Guard was sent out to deal with the demonstrators, to show them what it meant to stand against The People. Few remember what it was like to be a member of the Cult of Rust, and those that do do not dare speak of it for they know The People are listening.
Pax Filiae[edit | edit source]
With The People once again in control The Daughter once again set out to right the wrongs being done to them. The damages done during the war were repaired, the mountain passes re-secured, and trade made safe once more. The Republican Guard was seen as the people's right hand, the Andes Rangers their left, and The Daughter as their head. The High Andes Republic was unstoppable!
Since the end of the War of Rust the High Andes Empire has been threatened several times, most notably by Cusco in the north, but each has amounted to nothing more than a passing threat. The Republican Guard continues to stamp out the threats, be they major or minor. The Republican Guard secures the borders of the Republic, with the High Guard in control of the skies, preventing any from doing harm from above, and the newly formed Blue Guard protecting the reclaimed coastline from pirates and other ne'er-do-wells. As the High Andes Republic begins to outgrow the Atacama Valley it will inevitably attract more attention, but the Guards, and The People are ready.
The People are strong. May nothing stand in their way or the way of their Protectors. Long live the Republic!
Government[edit | edit source]
Administrative Divisions: Ciudad de Gracias, The Core, Andean Periphery, Coastal Range, Galapagos, Antilles, Panama
Legal System[edit | edit source]
The system of laws that governs the Republic is called the Protectoral Code. It is a derivation of the Old World's Common Law system where all cases which set initial precedents must have their verdicts approved by The Protector. In addition, should an old precedent prove to no longer be suitable The Protector my institute a new precedent to be used in that case and all future cases. No true determination has been made yet as to what exactly counts as an initial precedent or under what circumstances a precedent is no longer suitable, and is usually left up to The Protector to decide. Some changes in the Code have been rather controversial, including the legalization of slavery during the Long Winter by The Father, and its banishment of after the War of Rust by The Daughter. Also ever-unpopular is the precedent for physically and mentally handicapped babies/people being put to death. Though this is a holdover from the Long Winter The Daughter shows no signs of establishing a new precedent anytime soon.
Executive Branch[edit | edit source]
The Protector of the Republic (Currently: “The Daughter” of the Revolution), serves as the Head of State and Head of Government, as well as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. The Council of Ministers exists assist The Protector in their role as head of Government. The Ministers who sit on the council run the various departments which are responsible for the day-to-day running of the Republic. Under them are various sub-ministers, other high level bureaucrats, and civil servants who actually carry out the tasks necessary for the state to function.
The Council of Ministers is comprised of 12 ministers representing, in descending order of power and importance: the Ministry of Political Affairs, the Ministry of Revenue, the Ministry of Military Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Growth, the Ministry of The People, the Ministry of Infrastructure, the Ministry of Information, the Ministry of High Technology, and the Ministry of Health. The various ministers meet with The Protector at least once a day to give a basic report on the goings on in their ministry. In times of crisis or during tax-collection season more frequent meetings are not uncommon.
Legislative Branch[edit | edit source]
The Will of the People (or The Will) is the main legislative body of the Republic. It is comprised of some 135 members which have the power to suggest laws to the Protector, suggest a budget for the coming year, suggest taxes to be levied or removed, reallocate money between sub-ministries, nominate officers for advancement in rank, appoint justices to the People’s Court, appoint ambassadors to foreign nations subject to Protectoral approval, and over-rule all sub-national assemblies and provincial governors. In times of emergency the body can also activate the People’s Auxiliary, impose martial law, and elect a new Supreme Commander if the Protector is indisposed, or otherwise incapable of serving/saving the realm.
People are elected to The Will by universal popular vote in a first-past-the-post system. However, there are limits placed on who can run for a seat. At present only the spouses of political officers, high ranking bureaucrats, former military officers of Colonel and above, and senior members of The Church of The Revolution (aka Protectoralism) hierarchy may participate. It has been suggested in the past that the right to hold political office be extended to all individuals. This sentiment fell by the wayside after a divided legislature proved to be the downfall of the Pasco-based "New Peruvian Confederacy."
Judicial Branch[edit | edit source]
The People’s Court was a compromise system arrived at after the War of Rust. During the war judges were accused of being biased towards their own inclinations many times. In order to combat this a bicameral Judiciary was created. Judges were assumed to automatically be biased, and thus each side needed a judge who was biased towards them. For every trial a random pool of fourteen judges is chosen from all judges in the realm. After a period of vetting one judge is selected by each side. Trials then proceed according to old codified procedures past down for Chile, with the exception that any time a decision is needed from the judges both must agree on the decision. If any indecision lasts more than a week the matter is forwarded to the office of the Protector, who decides the matter. Judges are appointed for life, but may be removed by a ¾ vote of The Will, or by the Protector.
Economy[edit | edit source]
gold was issued again as the highest form of currency and silver
== Military == Revolutionary Guard,Andes Rangers, and the very secretive elite unit known as the Guardians of light
Structure[edit | edit source]
Military Branches: Revolutionary Guard, Andes Rangers, The People’s Auxiliary Force, The Blue Guard, High Guard, Protectorate
The Protector serves as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Each of the four branches are headed by a Supreme Commander, whose status in the chain of command is determined by which position they hold. After the Protector comes The General (leader of the Army, which is composed of the Revolutionary Guard and the People’s Auxiliary). Next is the Blue Admiral who commands the Blue Guard, the Republic’s naval forces. Following the Blue Admiral is the High Commander who leads the High Guard, the Republic’s air force. Lastly comes the commander of the Andes Rangers, the Supreme Colonel.
The ones who currently occupy the tops of their respective branches are as follows:
The General | The High Grandson of The Revolution, General Emerio Uspallata |
Blue Admiral | Admiral Cristobal Raimos |
High Commander | Commander Gabriella Cabellas |
Supreme Colonel Andes Rangers | Colonel Philip Janero |
Service Laws:[edit | edit source]
The Revolutionary Guard and Andes Rangers: Recruited from loyal families at the age of five, for the next six years they go to The Academy to learn loyalty, obedience, strength, valor, and how to kill with and without weapons. After the age of 12 they are separated into the Republican Guard and Ranger Schools to learn the specialty they have been assigned. They are only allowed to leave these schools when they have achieved mastery in all parts of their training, which usually takes another six years. They then serve until they retire at 32 or die. During their service they are not allowed to take spouses unless pre-approved by the state.
The People’s Auxiliary Force: Comprised of the people of the Republic, each Saturday all willing able-bodied citizens from 16-38 gather at their local training field and train together. The training is done by former officers of the Revolutionary Guard under 55, who must participate in the training to draw their pension. In addition, biannual contests for best trained People’s Auxiliary units award cash prizes to the unit, and the officers in command of that unit. Should the units thus trained every see combat the officers who trained them take command, assuming their previously held Guard rank.
The Blue Guard: Recruited from the citizenry that wishes to serve The Republic, has demonstrated the requisite loyalty to do so, and can pass basic physical requirements. Often seen as a great way to elevate one's level in society The Blue Guard attracts some of the societies best and brightest poor, offering them an education for the potential price of their lives. There is no maximum age in The Blue Guard for common sailors, though few people over 45 are able to pass the yearly physical requirements.
The High Guard: Occupying a special place in society The High Guard represents the only branch of the military dominated by women, mostly because it was the only branch open to women at the foundation of The Republic. Only the most qualified and best pilots are allowed to fly given the perennial shortage of planes. This makes the competition to fly very intense, prompting individuals to become masters in their trades. Others who find flying is not for them become mechanics and managerial staff, making this branch one of the best maintained and run in the military.
The Protectorate: An elite group of the 200 best members of the military services who use their unique skill and special training to protect and defend The Family of The Revolution.
Place in Society[edit | edit source]
Military service is viewed as the absolute pinnacle of personal, or familial achievement in the core of The Republic. Those whose families have had people serve in the Revolutionary Guard or Andes Rangers are treated with significant respect and deference, often having special services rendered to them without payment. In addition they are the only people in The Republic to receive any government assistance with their cost-of-living expenses, as a token of The People's gratitude and their forfeited childhood.
Every year when members of The Guard and The Rangers are released from active duty there is a large festival in Ciudad de Gracias celebrating their service and the protection they provided for The People. A formal and well attended event which happens in the dead of winter it is often though of as the place to be if looking for a husband. As a result the upper classes flock to it like moths to a flame, giving them the chance to see the power of The Protector, and be reminded of her benevolence.
The High Guard and Blue Guard are seen as a way to advance upward in society. Serving in one of these branches is a great way to show the loyalty required to have one's kid enter into The Guard or The Rangers. In addition, if you become highly enough ranked in either service you can make your way into The Will, or into the Council of Ministers. Having either of these offices is a great honor to the person who holds it, and brings honor and benefits to their entire family.
Service in the auxiliaries is seen as the sacred duty of every itizen in the Republic. It is not thought of as a choice, but a requirement, and serves as a reminder not just of the presence and power of the united body, but also that the body depends on each and every part in order to function. Standing as the last line of defense between an invader and your loved ones is a noble task indeed, and The People do it gladly to keep alive The Flame of The Revolution.