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United States of America


Name United States Of America
Capital Nashville (De-facto/Seat of Congress; none offical)
Largest City Nashville
National Abstract
Government Type Military Junta
Head of State President (De-jure/none active) Chairmen of The Joint Chiefs of Staff (De-facto)
Legislature "Rubberstamp" Congress
Demonym American
Population approx. 2 million
Official Language(s) English, Spanish
Spoken Language(s) English, Spanish, small other
Ethnic Groups
Official Religion No state religion
Major Religions Protestant denominations, Church of Trump, Founders, Small presence of Judaism, Islam, Marselism

The United States in Appalachia, properly known as the United States of America, iss the continuation or succsessor state to the Pre-Flood United States of America. It was established by surviving elements of the Tennesse National Guard, the Nashville municipal goverment and the Tenessee Valley Authority as the Pact of Mutual Defense (PMD). The PMD eventually declared itself the new United States, and admited the Three Divisions of Tennesse as its first three states.