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Iron Shield

File:Http:// Shield Flag.png/320px-Iron Shield Flag.pngFlag of Iron Shield

Name Iron Shield
Capital Iron Heart
Largest City Iron Heart
National Abstract

Government Type
Head of State
Demonym Shield Brother/Sister
Population 1,789,547
Official Language English
Spoken Language(s) Novjistrayan; English, French, Polish, Ukrainian, Various Aboriginal languages
Ethnic Groups Caucasian and Aboriginal
Official Religion No state religion, but the official belief that it is their duty to protect the people from an unknown enemy .
Major Religions The protection of the people, although merely a belief rather than a religion.

Iron Shield

History[edit | edit source]

When the world ended many in Southern Ontario died because they couldn't feed themselves and their skills were not useful in the new world. This was different in the Northern Ontario, due to the low population density hunting and fishing were common pastimes and many kept small gardens this kept many alive through the hard times.

Founded from the ruins of the old world city of Sudbury, now called Iron Heart due to the large amount of the resource available in the area. The last 17 years have seen two major territorial expansions, The Hunt for Food starting 17 years ago and The Quest for Knowledge starting last year. In the hunt they expanded west for fishing on Lake Huron and Lake Superior as well as the bounties of the plains. On the quest they went east and south looking in the ruins of old world cities for universities, libraries, and other centers of learning.

Economy[edit | edit source]

The goal of the economy is simply to fuel the war machine and there for not meant to be reliant on a single sector to provide for it in case burning war it gets cut off. However in resent years it has become more reliant on commerce.

Military[edit | edit source]

Conscription is currently mandatory for all able bodied individuals between 18 and 24 for a two year tour is required before returning to normal life. The military is broken into three arms; The Sword, The Armour and The Hammer. The Sword contains the army, The Armour is the local militias (basically national guard/army reserve), and The Hammer is the non combat roles (engineers, mechanics, doctors). Although the Shield is part of the command structure membership is not considered for the mandatory 2 year service.

Culture[edit | edit source]

Strength of mind and body are highly valued in Iron Shield and the climate has led to the people fitting this, the average Shield Brother is 6’2” and 200lbs of muscle an average Shield Sister is 5’ 10” 175lbs and all muscle. The military is very important the the way of life and the ideals of training and working hard to achieve the best possible continues into regular life.

Although there is no prominent organized religion there are several smaller religions the come from the common belief that some unknown force is going to attack the people and it is their duty to protect everyone. This comes from a a bit of propaganda that was found and lost as well as parts of text books talking about Europeian imperialism.