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The Mutualist Freedom Trust of the Great Okanagan
Flag of the OKEEs
Name The Great Okanagan Trust
Capital Wenatchee
Largest City Spokane
National Abstract
Government Type Multi-Party Mutualist Democracy
Head of State Sir Nicolas Watson
Head of Congress Madam Betty Sanderson
Legislature Estates General
Demonym Okanagan
Population approx. 1.72 million
Official Language(s) English
Spoken Language(s) English, Spanish, Chinese(minor), Hindi(minor), French(minor)
Ethnic Groups White, Latino, Black, Native, Chinese(minor), Indian(minor)
Official Religion No state religion
Major Religions Christian (several denominations), Non-Practicing, Hindi/Sikh (minor), other

The Great Okanagan Trust is Mutualist state in the Pacific Northwest of North America, occupying the farmlands and mountainsides of the North Cascades and Columbia River estuary.

History[edit | edit source]

The evacuees from the greater Vancouver went east, into the cascade mountain range. As did many of the populous from Seattle and the puget sound region. Up in the mountains the climate was cooler, and the great plains beyond offered ample farm land and drier conditions than the coast. This region historically was renowned for it's apples. Parts of former Idaho had the potato - but additionally, this region also supplied most of the North American continent for Hops used in Beer, and was the best spot on the continent for growing wine - now that the Sonoma Valley of California had been flooded and dried out.

Additionally, this region hosted a multitude of large hydro-electric dams along the Columbia river. The original occupants of this land - were a wild bunch. Roudy country folk who like guns, off-road vehicles, and lots of alcohol. While the fledgling nation of Cascadia formed to the south, some preferred the mountains of the North cascades and the open skies eastern steppe. However, many political thinkers, engineers, tradesmen, and designers migrated into the towns and cities like Yakima, Omak, Pendicton. The new coastline was established in the foothills of Concrete, WA and eastern Surrey, BC. Naturally, fish, salt and other sea goods went east - while wheat, apples, beer and other agro goods came west. This trade cemented from a utilitarian partnership into a national identity.

Thus the Great Okanagan Trust was established - a confluence of aerospace engineers, brewers, farmers and free-thinkers. The political spectrum was pretty diverse - was aggressively libertarian in some regards (gun rights), but supported a firm state socialism for other things (health care). The reality was a partial form of anarchism - but with single suppliers for most of the complex things. It all united under the nationalist sign of the Okanagan Apple!

Politics[edit | edit source]

To Fill out

More To Come[edit | edit source]