The People’s Auxiliary Force[edit | edit source]
In times of great need, when The Republic is threatened by great force from threats either foreign or domestic, the burden of defense is taken up by all. These soldiers, called The People's Auxiliary, stand side-by-side with the Revolutionary Guard in the defense of The Republic. They form the backbone of The Republic's staying power, and have proven their worth time and again in the wars of old.
The People's Auxiliary forces are comprised of semi-professional soldiers, people from all walks of life who join their ranks because of the devotion they feel for their country. These men and women hold down normal jobs during the week, then on the weekends they report to their local training field where they work in concert with their comrades in arms. Doing combat drills from Early Saturday morning until late Sunday night these personnel have gained proficiency, even skill, in their assigned positions.
The drill instructors are old members of the Revolutionary Guard who chose to stay on after their combat careers expired. As such The People's Auxiliary is drilled in many of the same tactics as the Revolutionary Guard, and they can sometimes hit just as hard. The main difference in the two forces is their level of combat experience and equipment, with Auxiliary personnel often getting the Guard's old equipment. Yet, still they fight. Their level of courage is virtually unsurpassed, and their willingness to kill for The Revolution is unmatchable. Their motto exemplifies all of their best qualities, and their hopes for the future: "Death to the opposition, long live The Revolution!"